Type alias TStatebotChart

TStatebotChart: string | string[]

A description of all the states in a machine, plus all of the permitted transitions between them.

This is defined using a string or an array of strings, but Template Literals are much more convenient.

An arrow -> configures a permitted transition between two states:

from-state -> to-state

It's the only operator needed to build any chart:

let promiseLikeChart = `
pending -> resolved
pending -> rejected
resolved -> done
rejected -> done

The "OR" operator | can help us remove some redundancy from the above example:

let promiseLikeChart = `
pending -> resolved | rejected
resolved | rejected -> done

In both charts, pending can transition to resolved or rejected, and resolved or rejected can both transition to done.

We can streamline this even further:

let promiseLikeChart = `
pending -> (resolved | rejected) -> done

Again, this is exactly equivalent to the previous two examples.

Notice in this one that we have parentheses ( ) surrounding resolved and rejected. They are actually completely ignored by the parser, and you can use them as you please to help make your charts more readable.

A chart works exactly the same without them:

let promiseLikeChart = `
pending -> resolved | rejected -> done

Charts can also be split across multiple-lines:

let promiseLikeChart = `
pending ->
resolved |
rejected ->

Notice that all white-space is ignored on either side of the -> and |.

// Comments of this kind are allowed, too:

let promiseLikeChart = `
pending -> // Where do we go from here?
(resolved | rejected) -> // Ah, yes

// And now we're all finished

Finally, here's a more full example:

let dragDropChart = `
idle ->
drag-detect ->
(dragging | clicked)

// Just a click, bail-out!
clicked -> idle

// Drag detected!
dragging ->
drag-wait -> dragged -> drag-wait

// Drag finished...
(drag-wait | dragged) ->
(drag-done | drag-cancel) ->

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