Interface TAssertRouteOptions

assertRoute options.


  • TAssertRouteOptions


description?: string

Describe the success-condition for this assertion.

fromState?: string

Wait for the machine to be in this state before assertion begins.

logLevel?: 0 | 2 | 1 | 3

Normally we want logs for assertions, right? Well, you can tune them just like you can with TStatebotOptions.

permittedDeviations?: number

If we hit an unexpected state during assertion, this is a "deviation". It might be that the FSM will come back to the expected state again after a certain number of these. For example, if your FSM has a "retry" route configured, this number can account for it.

run?: Function

Run this function just before starting the assertion.

timeoutInMs?: number

Permitted length of time for the entire assertion, in milliseconds.

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