For hooking-into Statebots that have life-cycles independent of the components that use them, useStatebot:
You can play around with this one in a CodeSandbox.
import m from 'mithril' import { withHooks as MithrilComponent } from 'mithril-hooks' import { Statebot } from 'statebot' import { useStatebot } from 'statebot/hooks/mithril' let loadMachine = Statebot('loader', { chart: ` idle -> waiting -> loaded | failed -> idle ` }) loadMachine.performTransitions(({ emit }) => ({ 'idle -> waiting': { on: 'start-loading', then: () => { // Fail half the time for this demo let fail = Math.random() > 0.5 setTimeout(() => { fail ? emit('error') : emit('success') }, 1000) } }, 'waiting -> loaded': { on: 'success' }, 'waiting -> failed': { on: 'error' } })) let { Enter, Emit, inState } = loadMachine let LoadingButton = MithrilComponent(() => { let state = useStatebot(loadMachine) return m( 'button', { className: state, onclick: Emit('start-loading'), disabled: !inState('idle') }, inState('idle', 'Load'), inState('waiting', 'Please wait...'), inState('loaded', 'Done!'), inState('failed', 'Whoops!') ) }) let ResetButton = MithrilComponent(() => { return m( 'button', { onclick: Enter('idle') }, 'Reset' ) })
The current state of the machine.
The machine to hook-into.
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For hooking-into Statebots that have life-cycles independent of the components that use them,
:You can play around with this one in a CodeSandbox.
The current state of the machine.