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# promise retrying

2 min read

Take a function that creates a promise and retry it automatically if it fails. Memoize it to avoid duplicate instances.

# hold()

const pause = () =>
hold(1).then(n =>
console.log(`took ${n} seconds`)
function hold(n) {
return new Promise(resolve =>
setTimeout(resolve, n * 1000, n)

# makeCounter()

const { count, up } = makeCounter()
function makeCounter() {
let count = 0
return {
up: () => ++count,
count: () => count

# ResolveOnThirdTry()

const Log = x => y =>
console.log(...[x, y])
const run = ResolveOnThirdTry()
function ResolveOnThirdTry() {
let count = 0
return () =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
hold(1).then(() => {
++count > 2
? resolve('🌞')
: reject('🌧')

# makePromise()

const Log = msg => () => console.log(msg)
const [promise, resolve, reject] =
function makePromise() {
let resolve
let reject
const promise = new Promise((O, X) => {
resolve = O
reject = X
return [promise, resolve, reject]

# RetryablePromise()

const fakeFetch = ResolveOnThirdTry()
const fetchWithRetries = RetryablePromise(
(retryCount, url) => fakeFetch(url)
const getUser = id =>
fetchWithRetries(3, `/user?id=${id}`)
.then(() => console.log('👍 fetched'))
.catch(errors => {
console.log(`Too many retries.`)
console.log(`Saw: ${errors}`)
function RetryablePromise(fn) {
const firstTry = 0
return (maxRetries, ...args) => {
const [promise, resolve, reject] =
const errors = []
return promise
function keepTrying(retryCount) {
fn(retryCount, ...args)
.catch(error => {
const count = errors.push(error)
if (count >= maxRetries) {
return reject(errors)

# RetryablePromise() + Memoize()

const getUser = Memoize((id, invalidate) => {
const user = fetchWithRetries(3, id)
return user.then(() => {
console.log('👍 fetched')
setTimeout(invalidate, seconds(7))
function Memoize(fn) {
const cache = new Map()
const Invalidater = x => () => {
console.log('❌ cache invalidated')
return x =>
? cache.get(x)
: cache
.set(x, fn(x, Invalidater(x)))

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ðŸŒļ closures 🌚 currying 🌷 destructuring assignment ðŸŒŧ fetch 🌞 high-order function ðŸŒđ hoisting 💐 new Map ðŸŒļ pre-increment operator 🌚 Promise 🌷 setTimeout ðŸŒŧ spread rest