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# identity functor / applicative / monad / maybe
3 min read
Mathlessly journey from a basic Identity Functor to a Maybe Monad with an Applicative in-between.
# identity functor / just
const Just = x => ({
valueOf: () => x,
map: f => Just(f(x))
const run = () =>
Just(['world', 'hello'])
.map(x => x.reverse())
.map(x => x.join(', '))
.map(x => x + '!')
# unary function
function unary(msg) {
const run = () => unary('hello, world!')
# unary applicative
const Applicative = fn => ({
ap: m =>
const run = () => Applicative(unary)
.ap(Just('hello, world!'))
# binary curried function
const reverse = first => second => {
return [second, first]
const run = () =>
# identity applicative
const Just = x => ({
valueOf: () => x,
map: f => Just(f(x)),
ap: m =>
const reverse = first => second => {
return [second, first]
const run = () =>
.map(x => x.join(', '))
.map(x => x + '!')
# identity monad
const Just = x => ({
valueOf: () => x,
map: f => Just(f(x)),
ap: m =>,
chain: f => f(x)
const reverse = first => second => {
return [second, first]
const run = () =>
.map(x => x.join(', '))
.chain(x => Just(x + '!'))
# just + nothing
const Just = x => ({
valueOf: () => x,
map: f => Just(f(x)),
ap: m =>,
chain: f => f(x)
const Nothing = () => ({
valueOf: () => undefined,
map: () => Nothing(),
ap: () => Nothing(),
chain: () => Nothing()
const just = () =>
Just('five boxing wizards').map(value =>
console.log('Just: ' + value)
const nothing = () =>
Nothing('five boxing wizards').map(() =>
# maybe / orElse()
const Just = x => ({
valueOf: () => x,
map: f => Just(f(x)),
ap: m =>,
chain: f => f(x),
orElse: () => Just(x)
const Nothing = () => ({
valueOf: () => undefined,
map: () => Nothing(),
ap: () => Nothing(),
chain: () => Nothing(),
orElse: f => f()
function maybeDate(possibleDate) {
const isDate =
possibleDate instanceof Date &&
return isDate
? Just(possibleDate)
: Nothing()
const parseDate = dateString =>
maybeDate(new Date(dateString))
.map(x => x.toLocaleDateString())
.orElse(() => Just('Not a date'))
# MakeMaybe
const MakeMaybe = predicate => value => {
return predicate(value)
? Just(value)
: Nothing()
const maybeDate = MakeMaybe(
x => x instanceof Date && !isNaN(x)
const parseDate = dateString =>
maybeDate(new Date(dateString))
.map(x => x.toLocaleDateString())
.orElse(() => Just('Not a date'))
# separate logic + runtime type-checking
const timeAndDate_logic =
time => date => {
const merged = new Date(date)
merged.setSeconds(0, 0)
return merged
const timeAndDate = (time, date) =>
.ap(maybeDate(new Date(`99/01/01 ${time}`)))
.ap(maybeDate(new Date(date)))
.map(x => x.toLocaleString())
.orElse(() => Just(`Bad arguments`))